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Flarum extensions and upgrades⚓︎

What happens when Flarum or its extension has a new update?⚓︎

FreeFlarum will do a manual update for all FreeFlarum Flarum forums as soon as majority of the extensions installed at FreeFlarum are compatible with the latest Flarum version.

Minor patches and security updates will be applied right away, usually within 3 days (if time allows it). In case of a breaking major change, it can take at around 3 weeks until FreeFlarum updates, due to some unique extensions not being compatible with the latest Flarum.

Extensions that are used by the majority of FreeFlarum forums will be prioritized over other extensions (this means that if a majority of the most used FreeFlarum Flarum extensions are compatible with the latest Flarum, FreeFlarum may update to the next version, temporarily removing incompatible extensions until their author updates them or a replacement is found).

Can I request an extension to be added?⚓︎

Yes, please see